I walk through the day
Knowing where I'm going
What to do next.
My tasks seem clear
When I cannot avoid them,
And the day goes by so fast
When others take on my yoke.
So my eyes sag
My vision wanes as my sight grows dim
The world becomes but a haze
Of tasks to endure
And success to gain.
The bright blue sky
Just another road to my destination;
The soft green grass
Just stepping-stones in my life;
The living color of faces I have seen
Each unique and bright
So profoundly alive
Become but the pale visage
Of lights diminished and drained
Crushed by the indomitable tempest
Of those enamored by this world
Its promise of pleasure and success
At the expense of life itself.
How many hearts are broken and pierced?
How many souls feel abandoned and lost,
Discarded and trampled under the feet
Of those too important to care?
I am often overwhelmed
At the reality of countless lives
Without family, friends or loved ones
Stricken in body, mind and heart
Alone in the dark without recourse or home
Or the spirit of compassion
To suffer with those who suffer
Just wanting to know
They have not been forgotten
That they are not alone;
A friend in this fallen world
This world of tragedy.
It is so hard to see
The Eucatastrophe that began
Two millennia ago,
And has yet to end,
In the heart of the desert
Of this fallen world.
The sorrow of this world
The thirst for justice
Are so easily confused -
At once swords of truth
Or poisons of wrath and despair.
As pests pollute the crops
And drought chokes the earth,
As fire turns soil to ash
And floods wash away all life,
New soil is made
Fresher and more fertile than before
Greater than has ever been known
Beyond all works of men.
A new life is birthed
In the labor pangs of death -
Confusion dies away
All sadness is comforted
All wounds healed
None are alone
None are in need
For Living Water grants the fullness of life
And the Blood of the Lamb sets us free
From the chains of the tyranny of sin
Calling us from the darkness
Of separation from God
Returning us to our Heavenly home.
Let us not see the pains of this life
As the random chaos of an empty cosmos
Or the arbitrary whim of an imperial god
Without purpose or meaning,
Our sufferings naught but the effects of a cause
Or undeserved punishments
Cast out from a Paradise just vaguely recalled -
No - this is not our life
For the world has been Crucified
And Resurrected to new life.
Truth has exorcized the world
Of the paradoxes of chaos
And innumerable evils hitherto unmet by justice.
No longer do we live
In the shadow of the evil one.
Let pain become the chastisement of a loving Father
The guidance of a caring Brother
And the opportunity of a wise Mother
For charity and growth
Amongst Her children.
Let confusion and doubt become pathways
To wisdom and faith
Seeing past the illusion of certainty
Or the ease of valuing just what can be seen
With these weak and narrow eyes,
To the authority of God
Who has led us out of darkness
Into the uncertainty of love
And the blindness of trust.
And let us see His Church
Not as a mafia
Or a political organization
Or a business
Or a self-help program
But as the voice of love and truth
In a world without either
But desperate for both,
And as the preview of the Holy Liturgy
At work now in Heaven
Amidst angels and saints -
Our promised Paradise.
Let us all be the Body of Christ
The Light of the World
The Salt of the Earth
Called to holiness, to be set apart
From this age of sin and darkness
Unto the eternal Light of Christ.
This is not apologetic
This is not theological
This is not ideology or argument -
This is a love letter
To God and man
From the depths of my heart
Broken and blind as it is
One sinner to others
In the mercy of Christ
My God and King
Whose love endures forever -
The Lamb of God.
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